Trading forex for a living is great idea that can either make you or break you. In order to ensure that things in your trading for a living work perfectly, there should be some preparation. Preparation here does not only mean getting to vastly understand the market but also preparing enough in terms of the right equipment you are going to use, risk management measures and inner … [Read more...]
6 Facts On The Forex Market
Forex trading is essentially, trading in currency. It’s a procedure in which you exchange the currency of one country for one of another country. It’s an innovative trading option as far as planning your investments are concerned and one that is growing huge in popularity. Although there are a few differences between the workings of currency trading and forex, the underlying … [Read more...]
You Don’t Use Fibonacci When Trading? Are You Blind?
If you have been day trading for a while, and regularly using charts, it’s pretty certain you have used or come across Fibonacci retracements before. In most charting platforms you’ll find this tool located around with the trend lines options. The Fibonacci retracement tool is usually very easy to use, by clicking on a low and dragging the mouse to a high which places the … [Read more...]
Day Trading System For Scalping 1 Minute Charts
Depending on the type of daytrader you are, you may (or may not) find this fast-moving, high risk trading system useful. It goes without saying that trading on a one minute chart is only viable if you are in and out of a position quickly. Taking on a strategy in this time frame means taking on a degree of risk, which can only be negated by using a super solid stoploss and take … [Read more...]
Day Trading? 3 Things You MUST Learn Before It’s Too Late
So you want to earn your money day trading the markets? You’re not the first person, and you certainly won’t be the last. It’s a lucrative business that contains a lot of risk, but a hefty reward for those who can get it right. The reason why am writing this is that I see many new traders simply open up a chart, place and indicator on it, and suddenly think they going to … [Read more...]
4 Steps For Back Testing To Jumpstart Your Day Trading
Back testing is a necessity for anyone day trading a strategy and is serious about this business. If you have experience in trading then you will have learnt a lot of stuff along the way but by planning and having confidence in your strategy can make a huge difference to your bottom line. It can be the difference between a healthy account and one that is often on margin … [Read more...]